Billing History

Here we store the last 48 bills for every Organization.

The bill is generated every 30 days and the payment is due in the next 15 days. If the payment is not done, the organization will be closed and the resources will be quarantined.

The billing is made from the following statements:

  • Number of Plans: Each plan is billed by 1$/each when the trial(1 plan for the first month) is exceeded
  • We consider saving the time of the month when the resource is powered off
  • Every resource (the free trial includes 3 resources for the first month) will be billed
  • We calculate the savings for each resource every hour checking the type/size and then at the end of the month, the average type costs is the number used for the calculation for the resource.
  • We will get only the 10% of the savings for every resource.
  • If you add plans/resources exceeding the trial in the trial period, you will be billed only by those resources/plans above the trial plan (1 plan and 3 resources)

  • PAID
    Paid bill.
    The bill was released and we are in the first 15 days after the request. If the payment automation failed, you have 15 days for paying.
    Dued the 15 days for payment and if you do not pay, the Organization resources (pans and config elements) will be deleted so if you want to keep using our Service, you have one week for the payment or will need to configure all again next time.

Actions Bill ID Organization Name Status Date Due Date Amount
Actions Bill ID Organization Name Status Date Due Date Amount